Tuesday, December 16, 2008

The Tracy and The Jon

.....and then jon told tracy how he really felt and she was still...and Tracey or Trace as the stationary students would call her, would ride the tram to Bentley of a Tuesday."Hush" the widow on the hill would say to her donkey as she waited for her daughter to return.........Tracy was filled with urine as she ran towards the smell of freedom......The wind was dry and tracy was missing jon and jon her.........and she still needed to piss!....... Jon thinking of tracy's sideburns went for a jog in the car......... " the car is so dirty " remembering he had just been for a jog in the commodore jon falls into a vat of Tracy's Urine!.............." TRACY " yelled Jon............... " PISS OFF IM TRYING TO JOG " yelled Ryan who nobody knew and so totally disregarded all together.......The saga rambles......... and her tears wouldn't wash the beef and guarana smell from her subaru................... " So turns out the donkey had golden staph " said Tracy to the birthday planner, still worried about the arrangement of a suitable quadraped Tracy jumped................. The air was beautiful and the rush was amazing as the planet raced passed her thigh........... "Harry" yelled Tracy. "Get out of my Lycra" angrily announced the janitor. and he was gay........... Slaving over a hot topic the men danced the dance of the gays............. and at last the fall had become the winter of love and uncomfortable urine pain had arrived and all were loving and covered in themselves......"oh Jon"................... "oh Tracy". xxx